Latest News

Claudia Rumsey (RIP) (new 2 Jan 25)

On Thursday 23 January,  the Surgery will close from 11am until 3pm so the GP Partners & staff can attend Claudia's funeral/memorial service.

It is with the deepest sadness and shock that we wish to report the loss and passing of one of our longest serving colleagues and staff members following a brief hospitalisation.  Claudia, the senior Medical Secretary and previously head of the Reception team, served at the Surgery for 28 years and was well known in the village and our local community.

On Thursday 2 January, we held a group period of silence and reflection for GP Partners old and new, her colleagues and her close family members to allow some time to remember Claudia in the most fondest of ways.  As you can imagine the staff and those who knew Claudia are in the utmost shock since hearing this awful news on the morning of Wednesday 1 January.

A Book of Condolences is now available at the main desk for all those patients who wish to sign and leave their messages.

Claudia celebrating her 70th in 2024

Claudia celebrating her 70th in 2024.

Important Surgery Dates

Dates and info will feature here:

  • Wed 22 January - Louisa (Anglia Ruskin Physicians Associate Student Y1) starts with us for supervised training modules each Wednesday until May 25
  • Thurs 23 January - the Surgery will be closed from 1100 until 1500 to allow all our staff to attend Claudia Rumsey's funeral.
  • Wed 29 January - revised date for next Quarterly Patient Reference Group (PRG) meeting (1845-2000)
  • Tues 4 February - monthly Time to Learn Training session (practice closed from 1pm until 8am Wed 5 Feb 25)

X-Ray Bookings Online via Swiftqueue (new 13 Jan 25)

Please see the attached flyer from the ICB giving information on how patients will be able to book X-rays online via the Swiftqueue system from 25 Jan 25.

X-ray bookings via Swiftqueue

Carers Noticeboard (updated 20 Jan 25)

Essex Wellbeing Service (EWS) as part of Essex County Council produce and update their lists of carers resources and other associated groups which is attached here; this list has a host of very useful and informative information and services designed for carers and their families/friends - this will also be displayed within the Surgery.

Carers update board for Jan 25

Our Surgery Website (revised 16 Dec 24)

MySurgeryWebsite (MSW) have started the website refresh work with the aim to have it ready for checks/testing mid January and then "go live" by the end of January.  The new site will have the general look and feel of this demo test site below (see link) which received the most amount of positive feedback from recent internal/external reviewing sessions.

Accessing new Radiology Reports via the NHS App (new 12 Dec 24)

From Monday 16 December, patients will be able to access newly created radiology reports from scans carried out at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSEFT) hospitals and community settings.

These reports are available through the online patient portal, Patients Know Best (PKB), and via the NHS App. This expands on the existing functionality that already allows patients to view some test information provided by their GP practice.

  • Exclusions apply: Certain radiology reports will not be shared online at this stage. These include reports for tests conducted during pregnancy, relating to the heart and post-mortem examination reports.

  • Delayed release of reports: Radiology reports will be available online for patients to view 35 days after the test is carried out. This delay is in line with NHS England’s guidance on automating results release and allows the requesting clinicians time to review the results, discuss them with patients as needed, and ensure appropriate follow-up care.

  • Text reports only: Radiology images will not be available online. Patients will only have access to the textual report, which is the same as the one shared with the clinician who requested the test. Each report includes a message stating that it is written for clinicians, ensuring clarity about its intended audience and purpose.

  • No historical uploads: Only newly created radiology reports will be shared online. Historical radiology reports will not be uploaded to the NHS App or Patients Know Best portal.

Physicians Associates & Paramedics - their work at New Folly Surgery (new 14 Nov 24)

We aim to provide excellent care for all our patients. To help our GPs spend more time with patients when needed, and provide more appointments to all our patients we have Physician Associates and Paramedics on our team.

Who are Physician Associates and Paramedics?

Physician Associates are trained to support doctors by seeing patients with less complex needs.  They all complete a formal healthcare/medical degree course before graduating into their roles and they work under the supervision of our GPs. Paramedics are skilled in urgent care and help manage acute cases, working closely with our GPs.


Both Physician Associates and Paramedics are closely supervised by our GPs to ensure you receive the best and more timely care. This helps the team work together to meet your needs more efficiently and safely.

If you have any questions about their roles, feel free to contact us.

GP Consulting Transcribing Software (new 14 Nov 24)

The practice is using a tool called "Heidi AI Scribe" to help us to write up our clinical notes. This processes our consultations (either while we are talking or using the recording that our telephone system makes) and quickly generates a detailed and accurate write up which we check and then use to form the basis of our consultation notes. The computer assistance makes this both faster and more thorough than we can manage by hand, and also allows us to concentrate better on the conversation we are having without having to keep notes simultaneously which we find is a huge benefit.

To allay concerns about data security, the system is accredited for use in the NHS, is compliant with GDPR and ISO 27001:2022, no recordings are made or stored by Heidi, and there is no link with our clinical notes so there is no risk of data loss of information that is in your medical record. You can find more detail here:

If you nevertheless wish us not to make use of this technology in your consultation you just have to let us know and we will, of course, respect your request.

Medical Students (ARU Chelmsford & London Medical University's) (updated 24 Sep 24)

For more information see the section on this under "further information" below.  

Patient Reference Group (PRG) - Next Meeting on Wed 29 January 2025 at 1900 (updated 13 Jan 25)

The Patient Reference Group (previously known as the Patient Participation Group) - see section below and link to more info under "further information".

Blood Pressure (BP) at home Calculator (new 1 Aug 24)

A blood pressure (BP) test is a simple way of checking if your blood pressure is too high or too low.   BP is the term used to describe the strength with which your blood pushes on the sides of your arteries as it's pumped around your body.

Blood Pressure Chart

Blood Pressure Chart

High blood pressure (hypertension) can put a strain on your arteries and organs, which can increase your risk of developing serious problems such as heart attacks and strokes.

Low blood pressure (hypotension) isn't usually as serious, although it can cause dizziness and fainting in some people.

A BP test is the only way to find out if your blood pressure is too high or too low, because most people won't have any obvious symptoms. Having a test is easy and could save your life.

We have a great calculator (see the weblink above and below, used by a number of Primary Care GP Practices) for our patients who are able to take their own BPs at home and calculate their 'average BP'; patients can then send/hand to the surgery at the reception desk. This wont suit all patients but it will assist those who can take and calculate at home and provide to the Surgery. 

If you have any queries please speak to a member of the reception team or your GP/Nurse when next visiting the Surgery

GP Referrals to Hospitals/other healthcare organisations (updated 2 Jan 25)

All patients must be aware that even with digital communications it takes some hours/time for GP referrals to reach their intended destination, Hospital or other healthcare organisation outpatient department.   Therefore we ask patients to be patient and give at least a minimum of 24hours to check on their referral with the end destination.

We also kindly ask that patients use the information provided on their referral letters to contact the respective hospitals if they have further enquiries.

Vita Minds Mental Health Support Services (updated 18 Jun 24)

The Vita Minds Mental Health Support Group have updated their information on accessing their services for patients wishing to discuss help and support.

Vita run a service for talking therapies, where we can refer you as the patient to Vita (via their website filling out the on line form) or you the patient can self refer via the website 

where a chat bot appears and you can access into the service or alternatively you can  call Vita on 01268 977171.  They also have free podcast’s that can be listened in the hub on the website. These could again help anyone struggling with anxiety, depression, low mood, sleep, menopause.

Repeat Medications (new 15 July 24)

Some handy hints for Repeat Medications and Prescribing - we have a 3 working day/72 hours turnover time for all repeat medications, so please get all requests to us in good time before you run out of your medications. 

Please use the green printed slip, given with your most current medications for your next request for repeat meds.  For those who may have mislaid their green printed slip, you can download the attached slip to complete and place in the box in reception or hand to the staff at the reception desk.

Repeat Medications Request Slip

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Vaccinations (new 23 May 24)

Pertussis is the whooping cough vaccine, routinely given as part of the: 6-in-1 vaccine, for babies at 8, 12 and 16 weeks. 4-in-1 pre-school booster is for children aged 3 years 4 months.

NHS England also recommends Pertussis vaccinations for pregnant women.  The best time to get vaccinated is between weeks 16 and 32 of your pregnancy. You may be offered the whooping cough vaccine after your mid-pregnancy scan, usually performed between 18 and 20 weeks. If you have not been offered it, please ask your midwife or contact us your GP practice

Help for MSK Sufferers (new 11 Apr 24)

We have been informed of a new App that is available to all patients who are suffering from (or have close family/friends) musculoskeletal pain and issues.

The link attached from "GetUbetter" gives much more information and how to download onto smartphones and tablets.  Patients can self refer and be interactive with the organisation where it gives a lot of very useful info on why you are on a waiting list, how to manage pain whilst in the referral system and a lot of other useful good resource to help with getting the best possible outcomes in this common area of healthcare. We highly recommend you have a look at this and the app functionality and what is can do to help those suffering from MSK issues.

Friends & Family Test (FFT) (updated 2 Jan 25)

FFT data comes to the Surgery via mobile SMS responses received from those patients who respond to the "auto generated" SMS messages, sent 2 hours after each patient's GP/Nurse appointment.  This message asks the patient about the level of care/service received during their appointment and also asks the patient to score the service from "V Good, Good, Not Good nor Poor, Poor to V Poor."  It also asks the patient if they would recommend this Surgery to their friends & family.   

Data collected for December 24 reports:

- 95.5 % of respondents reported the care/service received was Good or Very Good.

- 4.5 % reported neither Good nor Poor

- 0 % reported it being poor or Very Poor (again mainly due to the time from booking an appointment to the time of seeing the GP or Nurse).

We are never complacent with this data or any other feedback.  It is updated monthly & we review the findings each month at GP/staff meetings to ensure we continue to provide the best service possible, working on the negatives including time in waiting rooms pre-appointments.  This data is also reported to NHS England at the end of each month.

We do receive a few "poor" or "very poor" responses from those patients who end up having to wait a bit longer for their appointment.  On some occasions and due to no fault of the previous patient or GP/Nurse, some appointments run late due to any number of complex issues.  We ask all patients to kindly bear with us and the appointment ahead of theirs.  We work hard to keep to scheduled appointment rotas but on some occasions there may be a wait involved. We apologise for this.

Finally if you do experience a really poor experience or problematic appointment/delay, put some ID info on your response so we can look at the actual appointment issues you have reported; we will then review and get back to you.

We do not monitor/respond to any Social Media posts/comments.  We do monitor/respond to NHS Choices comments and take all feedback, comments and complaints seriously, in line with NHS MSE ICB guidelines.

All complaints should be forwarded to the Surgery in written form addressed to the Practice Manager (see the front home page notice re complaints).

Shingles Vaccinations (updated 1 Mar 24)

Reminder to all those patients who should have and need their Shingles vaccinations to please contact the Surgery to book in with one of the Nursing Team. Those eligible are:

- Individuals who are severely immunosuppressed - from age 50

- Immunocompetent individuals who have not previously received shingles vaccine - in age groups 70 to 79 (see note below)

  (Those turning 65 and 70 years of age from 1 September 2023 (and then turning 65 and 70 years of age from 1 September in subsequent years ie 2024))


Pharmacy First Service (launched 31 Jan 24)

Pharmacy First is now live in England and at our local pharmacy, Shadforths (Ingatestone).  Please open the link above to read about the new service which allows patients to discuss and get treated for 7 main conditions listed below with the age range for treatment of these conditions:

Acute Otitis Media – 1 to 17 years

Impetigo – 1 year and over

Infected insect bites – 1 year and over

Shingles – 18 years and over

Sinusitis – 12 years and over

Sore throat – 5 years and over

Uncomplicated urinary tract infections – Women 16-64 years

Florence, the lead Pharmacist at Shadforths updated the Patient Group at the January 2024 meeting that she and her team were receiving training and preparing to take on this new service with the core aim being to add wider acute healthcare availability within the local community.  In time and with patient participation in this programme it should free up some GP appointments so we can work with the more severe and longer term conditions - please do use this service where possible.

Patient and Staff Safety - Face Masks/Coverings (updated 1 May 24)

We continue to ask ALL patients with flu and/or respiratory/chest conditions/coughing symptoms to wear face masks or coverings when attending the surgery - this is to protect you as well as the GPs and staff - we are again now experiencing higher than normal patient numbers presenting with these conditions and we want to make the Surgery as safe as possible for all - thank you.

Dementia & Alzeimers (revised 6 Feb 24)

The staff met Mark Neville, the Essex lead for Dementia & Alzeimers at the training session on 6 Feb 2024.  He briefed and updated the Surgery team on all things Dementia.  Our own Dementia Champion (and staff member) Jackie M, will be working with Mark and his team refreshing/updating Dementia awareness in the Surgery and how patients and their loved ones can get advice, help and resources for sufferers.

The Ingatestone and Fryerning community is supported with a Memory Cafe known as "Thingamajig Cafe" based at The Church of the Holy Spirit, Forest Drive Chelmsford CM1 2TS.  It is open on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 1300 to 1530.  All are welcome and their contact number is 07956 855038

Travel Vaccination Clinics (updated 2 Jan 25)

We ask that patients print and complete the "online form" attached here and then present at the Surgery where the staff will then initiate the process to have you booked in for the appropriate vaccination(s).  

Patients must kindly understand that this is not classed as "core NHS" work. We need as much notice for these vaccinations as possible and we are unable to drop other "core NHS" programmed work to fit these in.  In the event we are unable to get you booked in pre your travels, some patients may have to find alternative providers.

Please note we have limited weekly appointments for this service so please book ahead to avoid issues close to any travel dates.

Travel Vaccinations Form (to print off, complete & take to the Surgery)

Safe Surgeries Accredited (new 7 Aug 23)

New Folly Surgery is proud to be accredited as a "Safe Surgery" part of the Doctors of the World, Safer Surgeries mission.  Their aim is to establish a network of Primary Care organisations that work with those new patients, registering from non-UK countries without any documentation/identification and assisting them through the process and requirements to formally register for healthcare services.

Proud to be a Safe Surgery      Safe Surgery Declaration Aug 23

Missed Appointments - December 2024 (revised: 2 Oct 24)

We report on missed or "did not attend (DNA)" appointments each month, to hopefully reinforce the message to phone or contacting the Surgery to cancel any appointments no longer needed.   We fully understand that the phones are busy, especially 0800 to 1000 each morning but do please ring the Surgery or make contact to cancel your appointment.

In December 2024, 37 GP appointments were not attended - this number rose again slightly in the month and reflects all GP appointments missed without prior notification/cancellation; these appointments could have been offered to those unable to get appointments.

Please ring the Surgery to cancel all appointments that are no longer required - thank you!

Hearing Tests via Boots Hearing Care & Specsavers Opticians (new at 19 June 2023)

All patients should be aware that they can access hearing tests at both Boots and Specsavers.  For more information please contact your local branch of both organisations or use the following links:                                           

Social Prescribing for our patients and local community (new: 2 Mar 23)

Some of our patients will have heard about Social Prescribing but for those who are new to this subject, it is for non-clinical, non-urgent support for patients within our GP Practice and patient community.  We would like to draw your attention to what it can do for you or your family and how you can access it and our own designated Social Prescriber, Sanah.

Also of interest it is National Social Prescribing Day on Thursday 9 March 2023 - there as posters up in the Surgery.

Social Prescribing Information 2023

Local Chelmsford/Brentwood/Basildon Radiology Services (new: 28 Feb 23)

All patients requiring walk in or non-referred Radiology services should check and use the information from this up to date contact sheet below.

Local Mid Essex Radiology Services

New MSK Musculoskeletal Self Referral Service - "For Aches becoming Pain" (new: 21 Feb 23)

All patients should be aware of a recently introduced Essex based Musculoskeletal "Self Referral" Service for those with aches turning into real pains.

Please open this flyer below that gives all the information, a contact number and QR Code to scan in order to book a Self Referral appointment.

South Essex MSK Self Referral Service 2023

Our local Community Hub (new at 7 Feb 23)

Do you feel you need extra help and support, perhaps after being discharged from hospital? Get in touch with your local Community Hub for support with things such as:
shopping, support with energy costs, collecting prescriptions and your wellbeing etc.  Please see the flyer below with all the information and local contact details

Community Hub information Feb 2023

Brentwood Primary Care Network (PCN)

New Folly Surgery is a member practice of Brentwood PCN.  The PCN consists of a group of 8 Practices/Surgeries who work together to deliver equitable health care services.  The PCN also supports each practice where required with temporary services, extended hours and mass vaccination programmes eg Covid 19 and boosters etc.  Their Mission statement is below:

Brentwood PCN’s vision is to deliver the highest standards of care with equality, dignity, and respect to our patient population.  Our aim is to create a system where member practices work closely together in collaboration with health and social care, voluntary sectors, community groups and local people to deliver inclusive and personalised care.  

We strive to consistently review and improve our services whilst remaining respectful of, and responsive to, the needs of our patients.  

Talking Therapies Services for patients with Long Term Conditions (LTCs) Brentwood/Basildon (new at 6 Feb 23)

We would like to signpost the latest local Talking Therapies services for any patients struggling with the mental side of dealing with LTC’s.

Patients can self-refer for FREE to this service in the normal way - please see the flyer below with all the relevant contact information (phone, website, chatbot on the website & fill out the form on the website) or patients can scan the QR code that will take you straight to the website.

Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website