Latest News

Travel Vaccination Service (updated 8 July 24)

Due to the staffing issues with our Nursing team (extended sickness) we are scaling back the Travel Vaccination service starting week 8 July.  Although this is a non-core NHS service, we understand how valued this is by our patients and we will restore back to normal service when we get back to full Nurse staffing.  We will explain this in context to all new requests for the service whilst at the same time we clear the current and imminent workload.  Please bear with us at this time.

Patient Reference Group (PRG) - Next Meeting Wed 16 October 2024 at 1900 (updated 11 July 24)

The Patient Reference Group (previously known as the Patient Participation Group) meets 4 times a year, with Surgery GPs & the Practice Mgr to present updates on all major issues relating to the Surgery as well as reviewing how we are doing.  It also gives the group a patient voice to how and what we do.  Our members are able to spread the message across the local CM4 community and the various forums they link into to help us all achieve the best outcomes for all patients.

We welcome new members who are new or current patients to join the group from all ages groups and you are most welcome to attend a meeting to listen in and hear first hand without any commitment at all (just contact the Surgery staff before the next meeting date to let us know).  

Record of the recent PRG Meetings

For those interested patients, the record from the previous 3 meetings are available to read/review below:

PRG Minutes from the meeting held in July 2023

PRG Minutes from the meeting held in October 2023

PRG Minutes from the meeting held in January 2024

PRG Minutes from the meeting held in April 2024

GP Referrals to Hospitals/other healthcare organisations (new 2 Jul 24)

All patients must be aware that even with digital communications it takes some hours/time for GP referrals to reach their intended destination, Hospital or other healthcare organisation outpatient department.   Therefore we ask patients to be patient and give at least a minimum of 24hours to check on their referral with the end destination.

Our Medical Secretary team work fast to get urgent referrals to their intended destination.  From then on it is the responsibility of the relevant hospital department team to process the new referral and load into their system; this can take some time.  We understand patient frustrations and anxiety but please be aware that we cant chase this during the initial 24-36 hours and it is usually then up to the patient to communicate with the referring hospital.

Vita Minds Mental Health Support Services (updated 18 Jun 24)

The Vita Minds Mental Health Support Group have updated their information on accessing their services for patients wishing to discuss help and support.

Vita run a service for talking therapies, where we can refer you as the patient to Vita (via their website filling out the on line form) or you the patient can self refer via the website 

where a chat bot appears and you can access into the service or alternatively you can  call Vita on 01268 977171.  They also have free podcast’s that can be listened in the hub on the website. These could again help anyone struggling with anxiety, depression, low mood, sleep, menopause.

NHS/ICB "Time to Learn" (TTL) sessions - next is on Tuesday 3 September 2024 (rev 3 July 24)

We will be closed from 1300 to the end of the day on the first (or second) Tuesday of each month for Mid & South Essex NHS ICB "Time to Learn Training" sessions. 

These once a month, half day training sessions are to allow the full practice team to meet for formal training events and to receive the latest NHS and ICB healthcare updates.  This is Mid & South Essex ICB policy, operated across all GP Practices in the wider area.  

We ask patients with urgent medical needs on these afternoons to please use the NHS 111 or Pharmacy First services in the first instance.  We open as normal at 0800 the next day.

Housebound/Care Home Patients Covid Booster Vaccination for Spring 2024 (updated 14 June 24)

ACE Ltd, our local GP Hub in Brentwood will be administering the Covid booster vaccinations for our housebound and care home/residents home patients from mid April - they will contact each patient to confirm the date and time for each visit and for this particular series of vaccinations, they will be vaccinating the following groups:

  • Residents in care homes for older adults
  • Adults aged 75 years and over
  • Individuals aged 6 months and over who are immunosuppressed (as defined in the Green book, chapter 14a; tables 3 and 4)
  • This includes those who turn 75 years old by 30 June 2024.

ACE GP Hub have reported that due to much higher demand they are organising more vaccine stock to ensure all appropriate patients receive their vaccinations as soon as is possible.

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Vaccinations (new 23 May 24)

Pertussis is the whooping cough vaccine, routinely given as part of the: 6-in-1 vaccine, for babies at 8, 12 and 16 weeks. 4-in-1 pre-school booster is for children aged 3 years 4 months.

NHS England also recommends Pertussis vaccinations for pregnant women.  The best time to get vaccinated is between weeks 16 and 32 of your pregnancy. You may be offered the whooping cough vaccine after your mid-pregnancy scan, usually performed between 18 and 20 weeks. If you have not been offered it, please ask your midwife or contact us your GP practice

Online Registrations for new patients (new 15 May 24)

Please go to the New Patients tab above to see the link for the new online patient registration service plus other useful information for new patients and the boundary catchment area etc.

Appointment capacity with GPs & Clinical Staff (revised 7 May 24)

We very much understand frustrations caused when trying to book some new GP appointments.  We try and plan GP & Nursing rotas some weeks in advance with annual leave, courses/training etc all taken into account to offer the best balance of appointments that particular week/month.  We are aware some patients wish to see a particular GP and in some cases you may be asked to wait a little longer for their next available appointment. 

The new housing developments now on stream are resulting in us receiving an average of 20 plus new patient registrations each week, adding the existing high demand.  Also a contributing factor are the high number of weekly hospital discharges from secondary care requiring follow-up appointments.  Regrettably this all equates to massive demand versus the limited capacity that we can offer.  The PCN support all Brentwood group practices with allied health professionals offering MSK, physio and mental health services but again these are limited and shared across our local area.

Bennetts Community Tea Dances for 2024 (new 1 May 24)

All patients and those in our community are warmly invited to attend any of the regular Tea Dances being held this year at the Nightingale Centre, Pastoral Way, Warley.  They are held each forth Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm and the full list of dates and other information is contained in the flyer below.  These events are inclusive for all adult SEN and are also Dementia Friendly.

Tea Dances at the Nightingale Centre Warley 2024

Help for MSK Sufferers (new 11 Apr 24)

We have been informed of a new App that is available to all patients who are suffering from (or have close family/friends) musculoskeletal pain and issues.

The link attached from "GetUbetter" gives much more information and how to download onto smartphones and tablets.  Patients can self refer and be interactive with the organisation where it gives a lot of very useful info on why you are on a waiting list, how to manage pain whilst in the referral system and a lot of other useful good resource to help with getting the best possible outcomes in this common area of healthcare. We highly recommend you have a look at this and the app functionality and what is can do to help those suffering from MSK issues.

Friends & Family Test (FFT) (updated 2 Jun 24)

FFT data comes to the Surgery via mobile SMS responses received from those patients who respond to the "auto generated" SMS messages, sent 2 hours after each patient's GP/Nurse appointment.  This message asks the patient about the level of care/service received during their appointment and also asks the patient to score the service from "V Good, Good, Not Good nor Poor, Poor to V Poor."  It also asks the patient if they would recommend this Surgery to their friends & family.   

Data collected for 2 June 24 reports:

- 94 % of respondents reported the care/service received was Good or Very Good.

- 4.5 % reported neither Good nor Poor

- 1.5 % reported it being poor with a further 1% reporting Very Poor (mostly due to the time of a booked appointment to actual time of seeing the GP or Nurse).

We are never complacent with this data or any other feedback.  It is updated monthly & we review the findings each month at GP/staff meetings to ensure we continue to provide the best service possible, working on the negatives including time in waiting rooms pre-appointments.  This data is also reported to NHS England at the end of each month.

We do receive a few "poor" or "very poor" responses from those patients who end up having to wait a bit longer for their appointment.  On some occasions and due to no fault of the previous patient or GP/Nurse, some appointments run late due to any number of complex issues.  We ask all patients to kindly bear with us and the appointment ahead of theirs.  We work hard to keep to scheduled appointment rotas but on some occasions there may be a wait involved. We apologise for this.

Finally if you do experience a really poor experience or problematic appointment/delay, put some ID info on your response so we can look at the actual appointment issues you have reported; we will then review and get back to you.

We do not monitor/respond to any Social Media posts/comments.  We do monitor/respond to NHS Choices comments and take all feedback, comments and complaints seriously, in line with NHS MSE ICB guidelines.

All complaints should be forwarded to the Surgery in written form addressed to the Practice Manager (see the front home page notice re complaints).

Shingles Vaccinations (updated 1 Mar 24)

Reminder to all those patients who should have and need their Shingles vaccinations to please contact the Surgery to book in with one of the Nursing Team. Those eligible are:

- Individuals who are severely immunosuppressed - from age 50

- Immunocompetent individuals who have not previously received shingles vaccine - in age groups 70 to 79 (see note below)

  (Those turning 65 and 70 years of age from 1 September 2023 (and then turning 65 and 70 years of age from 1 September in subsequent years ie 2024))


Pharmacy First Service (launched 31 Jan 24)

Pharmacy First is now live in England and at our local pharmacy, Shadforths (Ingatestone).  Please open the link above to read about the new service which allows patients to discuss and get treated for 7 main conditions listed below with the age range for treatment of these conditions:

Acute Otitis Media – 1 to 17 years

Impetigo – 1 year and over

Infected insect bites – 1 year and over

Shingles – 18 years and over

Sinusitis – 12 years and over

Sore throat – 5 years and over

Uncomplicated urinary tract infections – Women 16-64 years

Florence from Shadforths presented to the Patient Group meeting at the Surgery last week and updated that she and her team were receiving training and preparing to take on this new service with the core aim being to add wider acute healthcare availability within the local community.  In time and with patient participation in this programme it should free up some GP appointments so we can work with the more severe and longer term conditions - please do use this service where possible.

Patient and Staff Safety - Face Masks/Coverings (updated 1 May 24)

We continue to ask ALL patients with flu and/or respiratory/chest conditions/coughing symptoms to wear face masks or coverings when attending the surgery - this is to protect you as well as the GPs and staff - we are again now experiencing higher than normal patient numbers presenting with these conditions and we want to make the Surgery as safe as possible for all - thank you.

Dementia & Alzeimers (revised 6 Feb 24)

The staff met Mark Neville, the Essex lead for Dementia & Alzeimers at the training session on 6 Feb 2024.  He briefed and updated the Surgery team on all things Dementia.  Our own Dementia Champion (and staff member) Jackie M, will be working with Mark and his team refreshing/updating Dementia awareness in the Surgery and how patients and their loved ones can get advice, help and resources for sufferers.

The Ingatestone and Fryerning community is supported with a Memory Cafe known as "Thingamajig Cafe" based at The Church of the Holy Spirit, Forest Drive Chelmsford CM1 2TS.  It is open on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 1300 to 1530.  All are welcome and their contact number is 07956 855038

Travel Vaccination Clinics (updated 9 July 24 - see note on front page re temporarily scaling this back)

Our Surgery based travel vaccination clinics reopened in December 2023.  Patients need to print and complete the "online form" attached here and then present at the Surgery where the staff will then initiate the process to have you booked in for the appropriate vaccination(s).  

Patients must kindly understand that this is not classed as "core NHS" work. We need as much notice for these vaccinations as possible and we are unable to drop other "core NHS" programmed work to fit these in.  In the event we are unable to get you booked in pre your travels, some patients may have to find alternative providers.

Please note we have limited weekly appointments for this service so please book ahead to avoid issues close to any travel dates.

Travel Vaccinations Form (to print off, complete & take to the Surgery)

Medical Students from Anglia Ruskin University Chelmsford (updated 28 Jun 24)

During 2024 we will have Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) Medical Students (at year levels 1, 2 or 3) with us for 2-3 days during some weeks, supervised by one of our GP Partners.  This is part of their overall Medical Training before they specialise and move into their chosen career paths.   This is similar across a number of GP Practices in Mid and South Essex.

Patients will be asked if they are happy to have their consultation with the Medical Student present in the room.  On some occasions, the Year 3 students will lead the consultation with assistance from the GP.  We will also host Year 1 and 2 Physicians Associate (PA) students throughout 2024 and in October 24, year Y5 and Y6 placement students who are both close to completing their medical training. 

Safe Surgeries Accredited (new 7 Aug 23)

New Folly Surgery is proud to be accredited as a "Safe Surgery" part of the Doctors of the World, Safer Surgeries mission.  Their aim is to establish a network of Primary Care organisations that work with those new patients, registering from non-UK countries without any documentation/identification and assisting them through the process and requirements to formally register for healthcare services.

Proud to be a Safe Surgery      Safe Surgery Declaration Aug 23

Missed Appointments - June 2024 (revised: 2 Jul 24)

We report on missed or "did not attend (DNA)" appointments each month, to hopefully reinforce the message to phone or contacting the Surgery to cancel any appointments no longer needed.   We fully understand that the phones are busy, especially 0800 to 1000 each morning but do please ring the Surgery or make contact to cancel your appointment.

In June 2024, 32 GP appointments were not attended - all without prior notification/cancellation; these appointments could have been offered to those unable to get appointments.

Please ring the Surgery to cancel all appointments that are no longer required - thank you!

Relationship Circle - New Listening & befriending service for women of all ages (new at 18 Jul 23)

Relationship Circle, a new Brentwood based listening & befriending service for women is now taking referrals for those in need of support or suffering from the effects of marriage disharmony, infidelity, separation/divorce, troubled teenagers, extended family issues, financial issues, employment, health issues and for those with a low risk of domestic violence and abuse.  This organisation formed in May 2023 will offer a volunteer mentoring service matched to the issues being reported with the aim to assist, support and help steer that person away from their reported issues.

Relationship Circle Flyer July 23

Please contact direct: email: // whatsapp: 07879 010400

Blood Pressure Testing at New Folly Surgery - Online Bookings

We would like to invite patients to use the online booking system to book your Blood Pressure checks (in the Surgery waiting room) from 19 June 2023.  When booked, you can then attend the Surgery at the given date and time (bypassing the front desk) going to the rear of the main waiting area.  Clear instructions are posted next to the machine.  You should then do the test twice to produce the best "resting" reading.  The machine will then print out the reading for you to hand out to the reception staff; this will then be checked by one of the clinicians and in the event of any adverse readings, you will be contacted my one of the staff to discuss your blood pressure further.

To access the online booking system please go to the main website homepage, then to the menu pages and then to appointments page - you can then access the online booking system.


For those patients who do not have access to "online bookings", you will need to visit the Surgery and speak to a member of staff to obtain your new login and password - this will then give you at home/remote access to "online bookings".

We hope this new service is helpful to all our patients with testing their Blood Pressure, which is a vital indication of your current state of health.

Hearing Tests via Boots Hearing Care & Specsavers Opticians (new at 19 June 2023)

All patients should be aware that they can access hearing tests at both Boots and Specsavers.  For more information please contact your local branch of both organisations or use the following links:                                           

Social Prescribing for our patients and local community (new: 2 Mar 23)

Some of our patients will have heard about Social Prescribing but for those who are new to this subject, it is for non-clinical, non-urgent support for patients within our GP Practice and patient community.  We would like to draw your attention to what it can do for you or your family and how you can access it and our own designated Social Prescriber, Sanah.

Also of interest it is National Social Prescribing Day on Thursday 9 March 2023 - there as posters up in the Surgery.

Social Prescribing Information 2023

Local Chelmsford/Brentwood/Basildon Radiology Services (new: 28 Feb 23)

All patients requiring walk in or non-referred Radiology services should check and use the information from this up to date contact sheet below.

Local Mid Essex Radiology Services

New MSK Musculoskeletal Self Referral Service - "For Aches becoming Pain" (new: 21 Feb 23)

All patients should be aware of a recently introduced Essex based Musculoskeletal "Self Referral" Service for those with aches turning into real pains.

Please open this flyer below that gives all the information, a contact number and QR Code to scan in order to book a Self Referral appointment.

South Essex MSK Self Referral Service 2023

Our local Community Hub (new at 7 Feb 23)

Do you feel you need extra help and support, perhaps after being discharged from hospital? Get in touch with your local Community Hub for support with things such as:
shopping, support with energy costs, collecting prescriptions and your wellbeing etc.  Please see the flyer below with all the information and local contact details

Community Hub information Feb 2023

Brentwood Primary Care Network (PCN)

New Folly Surgery is a member practice of Brentwood PCN.  The PCN consists of a group of 8 Practices/Surgeries who work together to deliver equitable health care services.  The PCN also supports each practice where required with temporary services, extended hours and mass vaccination programmes eg Covid 19 and boosters etc.  Their Mission statement is below:

Brentwood PCN’s vision is to deliver the highest standards of care with equality, dignity, and respect to our patient population.  Our aim is to create a system where member practices work closely together in collaboration with health and social care, voluntary sectors, community groups and local people to deliver inclusive and personalised care.  

We strive to consistently review and improve our services whilst remaining respectful of, and responsive to, the needs of our patients.  

Talking Therapies Services for patients with Long Term Conditions (LTCs) Brentwood/Basildon (new at 6 Feb 23)

We would like to signpost the latest local Talking Therapies services for any patients struggling with the mental side of dealing with LTC’s.

Patients can self-refer for FREE to this service in the normal way - please see the flyer below with all the relevant contact information (phone, website, chatbot on the website & fill out the form on the website) or patients can scan the QR code that will take you straight to the website.

Personal Fitness to help with Sprains, Strains, Back ache and other physical Issues

When it comes to general physical aches and strains (for all adult ages) sometimes physio or other clinical care is not always the answer or indeed the requirement.

Regular fitness comes in all forms, shapes and sizes and to help ease niggling aches and strains and restoring oneself back to a general satisfactory fitness level, we can recommend a local gymnasium and personal trainer, based in Stock Village.  JP Lovelock fitness offers a low cost and affordable multi-dimensional gym facility with an excellent array of Cardio-vascular exercise machinery as well as all forms of weights and resistance training equipment.  

Jason also offers affordable, directed personal 1-2-1 fitness training sessions, costed and tailored to help the individual with the affected areas that need work, conditioning and exercise to ease the person back to feeling better and able to live life without those nagging, niggly issues that can blight day to day living.

Contact Jason (JP) at the following weblink; he will be very happy to discuss your needs and requirements in private, in person and with no obligation.

Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website